Free Weekend in November and a new Update introduces extensive tutorial for Railroads Online


The latest update of Railroads Online from publisher astragon Entertainment and developer Stefan Kelnberger introduces a brand-new tutorial as well as in-game wiki. The railway simulation with an open sandbox game world will also be playable for free from November 16 - 20.

A new dev diary provides insights into the new features of the update

Newly introduced Tutorial mode & In-Game-Wiki

The newly introduced tutorial will provide a detailed explanation of the game's basics. In a separate game mode, players will be shown the most important basics of the sandbox railway simulation. From building and placing tracks to connecting and driving the first production chains - the new tutorial sets the course for future railway enthusiasts.

The newly revised in-game wiki also provides another way to look up important information - from the most important basics of the game to exciting facts and historical details. The in-game wiki now offers all the explanations that experienced and new players need.

Additionally, the brand-new Industry “Wheat Farm” introduces three new cargos.

Free Weekend on Steam

Good news for all those who have been wanting to try Railroads Online: From 16 - 20 November, a Free Weekend will take place on Steam. During these days, players can play out the game for free either individually or together with friends.

Railroads Online is already available in Steam Early Access and costs 29.99€ or 34.99$. From 16 - 21 November, Railroads Online will be discounted by 30%. Until the release of the full version, fans of Railroads Online can expect further updates including more content and general game improvements. A detailed roadmap with all the information can be found here.